For a long time, I was ignoring the signs.
The exhaustion, the brain fog, the emotional overwhelm—I chalked it up to the demands of motherhood, business, and life. I pushed through, ignoring the signals my body was desperately sending.
Until I couldn’t anymore.
At the end of 2023, my health hit a wall. I was juggling an 18-month-old, two older children, a business, and the never-ending mental load that so many women carry. But something felt off. No matter how much I slept, I woke up exhausted. Bone achingly exhausted. My emotions felt raw, my mind clouded, and despite trying everything, nothing seemed to help.
Doctors ran tests. Everything came back “normal.”
But I knew this wasn’t normal.
It wasn’t until a friend introduced me to Chris & Filly and their Ending Body Burnout program that I finally got answers. My body wasn’t just tired—it was depleted. Tests revealed adrenal fatigue, SIBO, low serotonin, low dopamine and reduced liver function. My nervous system was stuck in fight-or-flight mode, and no amount of “pushing through” was going to fix it.
Healing meant change. Deep, uncomfortable change.
I eliminated caffeine, sugar, gluten, and dairy—foods that were adding stress to my body. But the real work? It wasn’t just physical. It was emotional.
As I peeled back the layers, I saw the truth: my burnout wasn’t just about my to-do list. It was about the why behind my overdoing.
I had spent years tying my worth to productivity, saying yes when I wanted to say no, prioritizing everyone else’s needs over my own. I realized I had a deeply ingrained belief that in order to be valuable, I had to be constantly giving, doing, proving.
Burnout wasn’t just exhaustion. It was a symptom of an identity built on self sacrifice.
Rewriting those beliefs hasn’t easy, but it was necessary. Through deep inner work, breathwork, meditation, and nervous system regulation, I slowly started to shift. I began to to listen to my body, to honor my energy, to set boundaries without guilt. And as I healed, everything started to change—my health, my relationships, even my work.
This journey led me to create something I wish I had when I was in the depths of burnout: Exhale Retreat.
A space for ambitious, overwhelmed women to pause. To breathe. To reconnect with themselves in a way that feels nourishing, not depleting.
Because we’re not meant to just keep going. We’re meant to live.
If you’re feeling exhausted, stretched thin, or like you’ve lost yourself in the juggle of life, you’re not alone. And you don’t have to wait until burnout forces you to stop.
✨ Take a deep breath. Pause. Exhale and ask yourself: What do I need?
And if this resonates, I’d love to invite you to join me for a weekend of rest, renewal, and reconnection. You deserve it.
Learn more about Exhale | The Retreat HERE