Pop the champagne! And let me introduce you to Entain! 🥂

 To celebrate COMUNiTI’s 10 year anniversary, we’re releasing a series to showcase the amazing community of people who have been part of our journey. 

And of course, who better to kick-start the celebrations than one of my favourite clients — Entain.

If you’ve ever had a cheeky flutter on the horses, a punt on the ponies, or placed a bet on your favourite sporting team, odds are, you’ve done business with Entain — the home of Ladbrokes and Neds. They’re the smart and talented team shaping the future of digital entertainment by creating the next generation of betting products.

Together we delivered a workplace strategy that addressed Entain’s immediate space and growth challenges. After a series of business mergers Entain acquired adjacent tenancies to provide space for their growing team. But this had also created mismatched and segregated areas, with outdated work points, limited collaboration space and poor layout planning.


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COMUNiTI is Turning 10! 🎉

blog comuniti Jun 01, 2023

In the coming weeks, COMUNiTI celebrates a significant milestone... we're turning 10! 

Whilst I didn’t realise it at the time, when I started COMUNiTI, [MARSDEN Collective back in those days] this was the beginnings of a new philosophy to work. I was championing the evolution of organisations prioritising employee engagement and wellbeing. 

I fundamentally believed [and still do!] that work can and should be an experience that people love. The way I see it, humans intrinsically enjoy the construct of work — creating things, connecting with others to solve problems, and making a meaningful contribution to the world. But all too often the places where people would go to ‘do work’ were soulless boxes filled with rows of smaller boxes that ‘accommodated’ people from 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. 

As a commercial designer, I could see the untapped potential for businesses and their people. For me, creating a workplace is about so much more...

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