Building your leadership Capability

No doubt throughout the course of your career, you’ve experienced moments where you’ve questioned yourself and your ability to lead not only your team through the next transition, but also leading yourself.

Stepping up into a new role, guiding your team through a new project or perhaps you’ve just been swallowed up by the overwhelming wave of pressure of work.

I can empathise with you at each of these points, because I’ve been there too.

I also know, from the work that we’ve been doing at COMUNiTI across organisations, that many managers and leaders are also facing similar challenges. With our need to manage our teams in new ways due to remote and hybrid work practices, one of the key challenges we consistently identify that requires greater support, is leadership capability.

And it's an area that today’s guest, Rebecca Christianson specialises in.

Rebecca is an Executive Coach, Facilitator, Speaker and the Founder of Thriving People.

Throughout her career she has partnered with Executive Teams globally to build leadership capability and implement organisational change.

One of her many superpowers is stretching leaders to the edge of their thinking to support mindset shifts, with a view to increase self awareness, influence, effectiveness, focus and wellbeing.

With her purpose to support senior leaders to love life at the top of business.

Having been an executive leader herself, Rebecca brings her lived experience to her work, having walked in the shoes that she now supports.

In today’s episode, you’ll hear some of the common challenges that Rebecca observes in the leader she supports along with the one thing that we can all do to start building our own leadership capability, so that we can each build our toolkit to navigating the uncertainty of the world we work in with more confidence and ease.

This podcast was made possible with support from the Alastair Swayn Foundation. Find out more at

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